Five Piece Lock Pick how to learn Set

This basic 5 piece lock pick set is an ideal beginners set and is capable of opening virtually all pin tumbler locks. The set also comes with a beginners instruction manual and quality snapover leather case.
Fourteen Piece Lock Pick Set

The PXS-14 was the first set manufactured by SouthOrd, and remains one of the most popular. It represents quality and value, and contains everything you need to compromise most pin tumbler locks. Opens deadbolts, doorknob locks, most auto locks, and padlocks. Includes nine picks, a broken key extractor, four tension tools, nine textured slide-on grips, and a top grain zippered leather case.
Fifteen Piece Slim Line Lock Pick Set

The C1510 Slim Lock Pick set
Like all our Euro sets, this SouthOrd Slim Line fifteen piece set is made for European and Japanese locks, and U.S. locks with small or narrow keyways. The C1510 includes eleven picks with metal handles and four tension tools in a top grain leather snapover case.
20 Piece Lock Pick Set

the MPXS-20 contains fourteen assorted picks (six with stainless steel handles), a broken key extractor, and five tension tools, all packaged in a luggage quality zippered case.
14 Piece Lock Pick Set

The MPXS-14 Lock Pick Set comes with nine picks and a broken key extractor, all manufactured of tempered stainless steel and all with our exclusive rivetless stainless steel handles, four tension tools and our top grain leather snapover case
Twenty-Two Piece Slim Line Lock Pick Set

The C2010 Lock Pick Set
Made for European and Japanese locks, and U.S. locks with small or narrow keyways, this SouthOrd Slim Line twenty-two piece set includes fifteen picks with metal handles and seven different tension tools. The luggage quality zippered case is the perfect companion to house our high quality stainless steel tools.
southord nps-2000

picks in a tube
7 Pin Tubular lock pick

The new SouthOrd tubular lock picks allow adjustment of picking needle pressure, giving them the versatility to pick even tubular locks with higher spring pressures. This pick has a comfortable, slip resistant rubber handle and is in seven pin configuration.
8 Pin Tubular Lock Pick

The new SouthOrd tubular lock picks allow adjustment of picking needle pressure, giving them the versatility to pick even tubular locks with higher spring pressures. Each pick has a comfortable, slip resistant rubber handle and is in eight pin configuration.
10 Pin Tubular Pick

This ten pin tubular pick is for maximun security locks.
32 Piece Master Lock Pick Set

This large set includes a variety of hooks, rakes, balls, diamonds, extractors, and tension tools, and our new luggage quality top grain leather zippered case. Like all of our MPXS Series Professional Lock Pick Sets, the MPXS-32 features tempered stainless steel picks and our exclusive rivetless stainless steel handles.
Full Lock Pick set

This is the full Southord line of lock picks.